Saturday, February 4, 2023


 In number system there are various numbers.

  • Natural Numbers
  • Whole Numbers
  • Integers
  • Rational Numbers
  • Irrational Numbers 
  • Real Numbers
  • Complex Numbers
  • Even Numbers
  • Odd Numbers
  • Prime Numbers
  • Composite Numbers
Now we will discuss the definitions of above one by one

      1.Natural Numbers: 
Natural numbers start from 1. It is denoted by N. 
          N = {1,2,3,...}

     2. Whole Numbers:  
Whole numbers starts from 0. It is denoted by W.
          W = {0,1,2,3,...}

      3. Integers: 
It is denoted by Z. It is the collection of positive and negative numbers with zero. 
          Z = {...,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,...}

      4. Rational Numbers: 
The numbers that can be written in the form of p/q, where p,q are integers and q is non zero.   
   It is denoted by Q.
        5. Irrational Numbers: 
The numbers that can not be written in the form p/q. It is denoted by Q'.

         6. Real Numbers: 
 The union of rational and irrational numbers is called real numbers. It is denoted by R.
          7. Complex Numbers: 
The number having imaginary part and can be written in the form of "a+ib", where a and b are real numbers and i(iota) is the imaginary number. It can be represented by C. In a+ib, a is real part and ib is imaginary part. 
          8.Even Numbers:
The numbers multiples of 2 are even numbers. It is represented by E. 
              E = {0,2,4,6,8,...}
           9. Odd Numbers: 
The numbers that are the multiples of 2 are odd numbers. It is represented by O.
              O = {1,3,5,7,...}
          10.Prime Numbers 
The number which has only two factors 1 and itself. It is represented by P.
                P= {2,3,5,7,11,...}
2 is the only even prime number.
          11. Composite Numbers: 
The numbers other than prime numbers are composite numbers. It is represented by  C. These numbers have more than two factors.
      C = {1,4,6,8,9,...}

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