Saturday, February 4, 2023


 Sets: - 

The collection of well-defined and distinct objects is called set.

Representation: The sets are represented by capital letters. The curly brackets{} also known as braces are used and elements are enclosed in it.

Examples: Few examples of sets are: 



                                                            Ways of describing a set

There are ways to describe a set.

  1. Descriptive Form
  2. Tabular Form 
  3. Set Builder Notation

                                                            Types of Sets 

Following are the types of sets.

  1. Empty Set
  2. Singleton Set
  3. Finite Set
  4. Infinite Set
  5. Equal Set
  6. Equivalent Set
  7. Universal Set
  8. Subset
  9. Proper Subset
  10. Power Set
Definitions of above types of sets.

  • Empty Set: The set having no elements is called empty set. A={}
  • Singleton Set: The set having only one element is called singleton set. A={a}
  • Finite Set: The set having limited number of elements is called finite set. D={a,2,b,4}
  • Infinite Set: The set having unlimited number of elements is called infinite set. B={1,2,3,...}
  • Equal Sets: Two sets are called equal sets if they have same elements. A={a,b,c} and B={a,b,c}
  • Universal Set: The set which has all elements which are consideration is called universal set.
  • Subset: A set 'A' is said to be subset of set 'B' if set A has all elements of set B.
  • Equivalence Set: Two sets are said to be equivalence set if they have same numbers of elements. A={1,2,3} and B={a,b,c}
  • Power Set: A set which has all the subsets including empty set and original set.

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